
Annual meeting of Adituka Cooperative discusses following year’s fiscal plan.

The annual meeting of Adituka Cooperative (Koperasi Adituka) was convened on Saturday, March 12th, 2016. The cooperative itself is located on Jalan Karasak Genteng, Desa Sukarapih, Kecamatan Sukasari, Kabupaten Sumedang The 71 members include cadres of 18 Taman Posyandu in Tanjungsari, Sukasari, and Pamulihan areas. The meeting was chaired by founder Mr Hidayat (F2H field coordinator) and attended by head of cooperative Hj Nani Heryani, secretary Yanti Suyanti, and other members. Cooperative treasurer Tuti Budiarti was unfortunately absent.


The meeting talked about the board accountability report based on the fiscal year 2015. After five years of establishment, Adituka Cooperative has been in a rather good standing. They have been able to reimburse last year’s asset given from F2H. In the business sector, Adituka Cooperative supplies the local community with credit union and procurement of goods in the form of household items paid in installments and report cards for the students of Taman Posyandu. Even so, the level of member welfare is still relatively low due to the lack of fund. Administrators have been given the cooperative administration training. As for members, they haven’t gotten any special training, but they have paid visits to other successful cooperatives to organize a comparative study.


The 2015 fiscal plan of Adituka Cooperative shows that it did not indeed meet the realization just yet – the budget needed and the revenue is lower than expected. But it does not mean that Adituka Cooperative is unsuccessful. Administrators will use the 2015 fiscal plan as a reference to structure the 2016’s Work plan and Cooperative Budget and Revenue (RAPBK)